Product at Heart 2024
​Dear Reader,​
Stepping on stage at Product at Heart 2024 five weeks ago was a definitive highlight of my year so far. I loved bringing a message I deeply care about to an audience I also care about.
Without further ado, I'm happy to share the full recording of this keynote with you:
Watch the Video |
​You can also get the slides and templates I shared during the talk here (as a subscriber, I won't make you fill out another form).
Did you enjoy this one or have feedback? Do reply. It's motivating. I'm not a robot; I read and respond to every subscriber email I get (just ask around). If this newsletter isn't for you anymore, you can unsubscribe here.
Thank you for Practicing Product,
PS. Most Early Bird tickets for the Product at Heart Hamburg 2025 have already sold out. If you're an early bird, you better be quick!
I'm excited to bring my beloved in-person workshops back to Berlin in January 2025. You can choose between 1-day workshops on Product Strategy, Product OKRs, or Product Discovery OR get the full 3-day experience for you or your team.
(reach out for custom team quotes)
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As a Product Management Coach, I guide Product Teams to measure the real progress of their evidence-informed decisions.
I focus on better practices to connect the dots of Product Strategy, Product OKRs, and Product Discovery.
1 tip & 3 resources per week to improve your Strategy, OKRs, and Discovery practices in less than 5 minutes.
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