
Product Practice Newsletter

1 tip & 3 resources per week to improve your Strategy, OKRs, and Discovery practices in less than 5 minutes.

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šŸ› ļø Why you donā€™t get Value from your Product Strategy

Product Practice #332 Why you donā€™t get Value from your Product Strategy READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Sep 6, 2024 READING TIME 4 min & 26 sec Dear Reader, Itā€™s tempting to focus the start of your strategy creation on a framework or by-the-book advice. Have you filled out the canvas? Cool! Does it meet all the "Good Strategy" criteria? Greatā€”letā€™s move on. But thatā€™s a pattern of Alibi Progress: prioritizing technical correctness over everyday value. Whenever Product Strategy feels like a tick...

Product Practice #331 What does it taketo talk to customers? READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Aug 30, 2024 READING TIME 4 min & 29 sec Dear Reader, Together with my friends at Orbital (a company I advise), I recently ran a LinkedIn poll about user interview behaviors. My goal was to get a rough overview of how product teams approach preparing customer interactions. Hereā€™s what I learned from the 320 total votes: Who schedules your customer interviews? Most (55%) of participants schedule interviews...

Product Practice #330 The Problem with 0-1 Metrics READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Aug 23, 2024 READING TIME 3 min & 51 sec Dear Reader, Scaling Product Discovery requires more than just having teams talk to more users. In fact, just having teams interview more users without structure and some baseline education might do more harm than good. Hereā€™s what I took away from training over 30 product trios at The StepStone Group: #1 Educate Cross-functional, wherever possible It doesnā€™t make sense to...

Product Practice #329 The Problem with 0-1 Metrics READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Aug 16, 2024 READING TIME 4 min & 18 sec Dear Reader, Welcome back! I hope you had (or still have) a relaxed or eventful (whatever your preference is) summer. I enjoyed the time off and being in places that filled me up. Among others, the baltic see. Which is where I captured one of my favorite summer shots: Before we jump into today's issue, I want to share three things from friends that I believe you should be...

Product Practice #328 My 2024 Mid-Year Review READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Jun 28, 2024 READING TIME 5 min & 20 sec This is the last newsletter before my annual summer writing break. I will return on August 16th after next week's issue. In the meantime, follow me on LinkedIn for more hands-on content. ā˜€ļø Dear Reader, I first encountered the concept of a mid-year review via Tiago Forte a few years back. After I published 7 Things I Learned from Writing a Weekly Product Management Newsletter for...

Product Practice #327 How Product Leaders CanGuide Their Team's OKRs READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Jun 21, 2024 READING TIME 3 min & 51 sec This is the second-to-last newsletter before my annual summer writing break. I will return on August 16th after next week's issue. ā˜€ļø For the scope of this essay, I will define Product Leaders as members of a Product Management function with people management responsibilities (e.g., Director of Product, Head of Product, VP of Product, etc.). Product leaders...

Product Practice #326 4 Learnings fromWorking on 40 NSMs READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Jun 14, 2024 READING TIME 5 min & 0 sec Dear Reader, During an ongoing long-term Discovery and Metrics Coaching engagement, I had the opportunity to meet many different external and internal-facing teams. One of this companyā€™s focus points is the establishment of more metrics-informed decision-making, and they landed on North Star Metrics (NSMs) as a critical vehicle for that. Here are my four key takeaways...

Product Practice #325 I asked 5 CPOs what a Product is. Hereā€˜s what they said. (Part 2) READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED Jun 7, 2024 READING TIME 4 min & 45 sec Dear Reader, This is the sequel to last weekā€™s newsletter. You can catch-up by re-reading it here. What is a Product? Arne Kittler, Product Org Consultant & Fractional Leader, ex-CPO at Facelift It can make sense to differentiate the external from the internal perspective even though they ideally lead to the same result. Let me explain:...

Product Practice #324 I asked 5 CPOs what a Product is. Hereā€˜s what they said. (Part 1) READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED May 31, 2024 READING TIME 4 min & 1 sec Dear Reader, Owning and improving product practices and effective team topologies requires a shared understanding of what you actually mean when you say the word ā€œproduct.ā€ These domains are not called Product xyz because they are done solely by Product Managers. They are called this way because they are in service of bringing products to...

Product Practice #323 What Should Strategy, OKRs, and Discovery Allow You To Do? READ ON HERBIG.CO PUBLISHED May 24, 2024 READING TIME 3 min & 54 sec Dear Reader, Itā€™s tempting to focus the process of practicing Strategy, OKRs, and Discovery on technical correctness. Does the Objective not have a number? Cool! Do you interview one customer per week? Great - Letā€™s move on. But thatā€™s a pattern of Alibi Progress: prioritizing technical correctness over everyday value. Whenever these ways of...